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Holiday Cottage Security

Property stories

 Unfortunately holiday homes may be obvious targets for burglary as they are often empty for extended periods of time and may have routine changeovers. As a holiday home owner there are things you can do to protect your property. How much or little you do is up to you, but here are some of our top ideas to consider.

Security on you holiday home

Locks and bolts

It may sound obvious but making sure you have good quality locks on your windows and doors is an important step in holiday cottage security. The difference between a good and bad lock can be crucial should a sneaky opportunist happen across your property.

If you’re looking for local services, we may able to recommend a trusted local tradesman to fit new locks. Get in touch with our Owner Support team on 01326 555500. 


Automated lights

Invest in some automated lights that switch on at a certain time or irregular intervals. Lights can make it look less obvious that your property is empty and also make shadowy approaches difficult.


Key Safes

If you know your holiday cottage is going to be empty for a while but want to leave your keys nearby, key safes are a good option. More effective than the old porch mat or flower pot, discreetly placed key safes keep your keys protected and dry, and will only open up with a code you have set yourself.

Make sure you secure your safe somewhere discreet, or even bury it into the wall, so that it’s not too obvious to passers-by.


Regular check-ups

If you’re part of a fully managed service, have a trusted cleaner or groundsman or live locally yourself, you should encourage routine check-ups of your holiday cottage. Regular visits are good not only from a security point of view but also allow an opportunity for maintenance and grounds checks too.


Create an itinerary

By creating an itinerary of your holiday home’s contents, you will be able to keep track of what needs updating and if anything is missing. Writing a list and taking photographs of things like cupboards, ornaments and shelves will enable you to quickly and easily spot if anything has gone AWOL.



Whereas many people don’t feel the need to fit their holiday home with a burglar alarm, this may be something you’d like to consider using when your property is empty. Fitting an alarm can add that extra level of security and also help to put your mind at ease when you’re not around. Even a false box can deter chancers.


Put items away

If you know that guests won’t be using your holiday let for a while, consider locking up certain items like garden furniture and tools. This will prevent anything from being taken while you’re away and will also prevent any unwelcome visitors from using them to break into your property.


Protect your property

The property within your property that is – Crimestoppers UK have created an invisible ink to mark your belongings with in case they go walkabout.



Make sure you’re familiar with your insurance policy and that everything is up-to-date. Classic Cottages can help recommend firms who specialise in holiday home insurance. In the unfortunate and unlikely event that anything does go wrong, it’s always good to have this backup.



Classic Cottages owners are asked to advise us of the presence of any security cameras, video-equipped doorbell devices, CCTV or other surveillance systems located at the property. We ask owners to conduct a privacy impact assessment and a legitimate interest assessment and comply with the Data Protection Legislation and any other legislation and regulatory requirements (including the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner) relating to Surveillance Systems. As and when guests are occupying a property any systems are required to be disabled.


 Our Owner Support team are happy to help if you have any further questions on 01326 555500.

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