Somewhere to share your holiday memories, from stories about your visit to the favourite things about your Classic stay. We’d love to hear yours - so feel free to email us at and we’ll share them here.
While the British do drink tea in a way that Americans never will, they also drink coffee in a way that that most Americans never will. And that way is (dare I say this?) unquestionably superior.
Even my twelve-year-old son was soon bashing away at rocks with his hammer and proudly announcing his discovery of belemnites, crinoid stems and an ammonite
There’s always at least one utterly perfect moment on every holiday that makes you want to catch it and keep it forever. I’ve just had one of those moments.
‘From Pentire Point to Hartland light, a watery grave by day and night’, so goes the local saying. It’s one of the UK’s most notorious stretches of coastline for shipwrecks...ripe for adventure.