Visitors' Book

Somewhere to share your holiday memories, from stories about your visit to the favourite things about your Classic stay. We’d love to hear yours - so feel free to email us at and we’ll share them here.

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An American in Cornwall: The First English Coffee

While the British do drink tea in a way that Americans never will, they also drink coffee in a way that that most Americans never will. And that way is (dare I say this?) unquestionably superior.

Danielle Charles-Davies

Fossil hunting in Lyme Regis

Even my twelve-year-old son was soon bashing away at rocks with his hammer and proudly announcing his discovery of belemnites, crinoid stems and an ammonite

Amanda Tomlin

A shipwreck adventure on the coast of north Cornwall

‘From Pentire Point to Hartland light, a watery grave by day and night’, so goes the local saying. It’s one of the UK’s most notorious stretches of coastline for shipwrecks...ripe for adventure.

Ali Ray