The Moors of Ex, Dart and Bodmin

Places to Go

The Moors of Ex, Dart and Bodmin

Our holy trinity of truly wild open land is there for the milking. Like the three musketeers, each moor wields its own special spell.


Status: The UK’s 9th biggest National Park Square miles: 368 
Picnickers top 3: Wistman’s Wood (above) where disfigured oaks form ace tables, Hound Tor (after Sherlock Holmes), Fatherford viaduct 
Distinguishing marks: 5,000 Bronze/Iron Age hut circles, HM Prison Dartmoor Party trick: Gibbet Hill, where baddies once died in Middle Ages’ cages 
Tip: Watch out for double-barrels between Two Bridges in the middle and Nine Stones in the north – it’s a military zone



Status: The UK’s 10th biggest
National Park Square miles: 267
Picnickers top 3: The Valley of Rocks, Tarr Steps, Dunkery Beacon
Distinguishing marks: Sheer cliffs of 1,420ft, Britain’s oldest nag – the Exmoor pony Party trick: Shunts shiploads of shingle at Porlock Ridge by the magic of longshore drift
Tip: Don’t try to bareback ride the ponies, they pack a mean bite

The Moors of Ex,Dart and Bomin

Bodmin and the Norh coast

Bodmin Moor

Status: Cornwall’s ‘National Park’
Square miles: 80
Picnickers top 3: The Cheesewring (any sandwich welcome), Golitha Falls, Stripple Stones
Distinguishing marks: Brown Willy (no jokes – it’s the summit), Jamaica Inn of Du Maurier clout 
Party trick:
On a clear day with a clear head, gaze at half the north coast, then pile on down there in the afternoon to bathe your aching limbs in the surf
Link: http: Bodmin Moor
Tip: If the weather closes in, and boy it moves fast, head for Blisland Inn, not Jamaica Inn, when you get there, you’ll see why

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