Carters Croft
3797 is no longer with usIf you were looking for cottages like Carters Croft, how about trying these:
Set in its own tropical wonderland, this stylish retreat offers peace, plenty and much more. Step inside Carters Croft and enter a world of vintage elegance, with its mix of retro and industrial furnishings and attention to detail in every nook and cranny. The 18th Century barn features a well-equipped, bespoke kitchen area; ideal for cooking up a feast using produce picked up from a host of local farm shops in this neck of the woods. Comfort is the hallmark of the living-room, where a roaring wood-burner makes it the perfect spot to relax after a day on the beach or trekking cliff paths. Painted white wooden floors run throughout the first floor where the two bedrooms offer luxury bed linens and pillows. Exceptionally comfy beds? Try these for size!