Barefoot Woody
2612 is no longer with usIf you were looking for cottages like Barefoot Woody, how about trying these:
Get back to the simple things that matter with a relaxing stay at Woody, a spacious and stylish eco safari tent located in a tranquil wildflower meadow - within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - with breath-taking views and 12 acres of fields to explore, just minutes in the car from two great beaches.
Wonderful Woody has been lovingly put-together by the owners, who are both product designers by trade, with everything on-hand to make your stay really special, including high quality sprung mattresses, sumptuous bed linens, beautiful woollen throws, soft towels, reindeer hides, lanterns, designer dining chairs and a fully stocked inventory.
There are not one but two bedrooms in this super-roomy retreat, plus a delightful double den bed in the living area, and a wood-fired range doubles up as the main cooking and heating appliance - cook up storm, boil the kettle for a cuppa, whip up a hearty breakfast or just simply cosy up on an armchair in front of it. There's also dining-table which has plenty of space for all to enjoy a leisurely lunch or scrumptious supper around.
At the rear of the tent, a wooden annexe houses a double hot water shower/wet-room and a cloakroom with flushing WC and wash-basin perched on a log - a really lovely design feature. Enamel crockery is on-hand, perfect for eating inside or out, and there's even a storage area - perfect for picnic and barbecue supplies - with a fridge, kettle and double power socket for electrical essentials. All that, and the kitchen sink!