Golden Cock Cottage


2.9 miles S of St Ives | Sleeps 8 + cot

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7 Nights from £958

  • 42 Reviews

Mrs Patton June 2015

A Lovely house off the beaten track but within easy access to ST Ives and surrounding area. The property has lots of amenities and was enjoyed by a party of all ages. The children and dog thoroughly enjoyed racing round the large garden and woods. Don't want to recommend this property as we want to keep it all for ourselves ! Millie x...

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Mr Vowles May 2015

Golden Cock Cottage is a wonderful place for three generations to spend quality time together. The woodlands are quite unique.

Mrs Gumbrill October 2014

An ideal place for family, kids and dogs to stay, highly recommended.

Mr Kloecker August 2014

Fabulous place. Very helpful description how to use the facility. The nicest hosts! After many years of very good rental vacations, this was the best rental experience .

Mrs Evans April 2014

It's a magical place for all ages. Love this cottage been 3 years on the run and hope to back again, never want to go home.

Good or bad, we publish all the reviews left by the guests who have stayed in this cottage, with the few exceptions stated in our Review Guidelines.