2402 is no longer with usIf you were looking for cottages like Sunrise, how about trying these:
Sunrise has a panoramic view of Torbay, where there is always something to see – fishing boats, yachts of all sizes during Regatta week, and when the Red Arrows visit in the summer, the house gives a perfect view. The sitting-room has doors to the terrace and steps down to the enclosed garden (take care with children around the pond). The Owners make and sell yurts and have provided one in the garden (only available between 6 April to 14 September) – the children will be clamouring to sleep out overnight (please bring your own sleeping bags). Back inside are a well-equipped kitchen/breakfast-room and a dining-room with sea views, and a pool table and football table game in the garage. Upstairs are four bedrooms, the master has a balcony from which to enjoy the view, and a narrow staircase leads up to the top floor family bedroom. If you bring the family dog, it is a short walk to Roundhill Woods, or further to the Cockington Estate. With gorgeous beaches just down the road, quiet woodland walks, a bustling town centre and busy nightlife, Sunrise has something for every member of the family.